Saturday, November 3, 2012

I Shouldn't Be Shocked By Obama Voters

I shouldn't be shocked.  I really shouldn't.  I've been politically active since 1964.

But you know what I find kind of shocking?

It's the people I run across who are voting for Obama, and there are two things they can't tell me:

1. They can't tell me what Obama is going to do to increase jobs and grow the economy.

Actually, it doesn't shock me that they can't tell me what he will do, because he can't either (he doesn't know how, because he is ignorant of basic economics, and is advised by economic fools).

What shocks me is that they would actually vote for him, without the answer to that question.

2. They have not even read Romney's 5-Point Plan (, nor can they even name ONE of the five points!  But they know they hate them, whatever they are!  :)


I shouldn't be shocked by Obama voters.  Fortunately there are not enough of them this time to win.  There. That's my prediction :)

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