Saturday, September 22, 2012

Here's What I Ask Obama Supporters (The Answers Would Be Funny If They Weren't So Tragic)

Here's the question:

What are Obama's plans to increase jobs and improve the economy the next four years?

When you ask this to the typical Obama supporter, you will be amazed at the blank stares you will get.

The "sharper" O-supporters will immediately change the subject and barrage you with redirection and smoke-blowing.

Most will just "think" (I use the term loosely) and kinda make something up.


Because Obama has no plans to increase jobs and improve the economy!

On this day (September 22, 2012), even his Presidential candidate web site lists no plans under the "issues" topic "Jobs and Economy".

Before listing 4 items, on Obama's site the statement is made that Obama is fighting to "grow the economy from the middle class out, not the top down."

This is an obvious attempt to pander to the largest percentage of voters (who unfortunately may think it sounds good). But actually this is as economically stupid a statement as has ever been made!

But that's a subject for another article.

Here are the 4 items listed under "Economy" on the Obama website:

1. Rescuing The Auto Industry

I'm not kidding. That's point #1.

First of all, he didn't rescue the auto industry, he only temporarily rescued the very Unions that have bankrupted the auto industry. But that's a subject for another article too.

The point in this article is simply that this is not a PLAN for the next four years! It's the PAST! See what I mean? It's done! That's not a plan!

2. Reviving U.S. Manufacturing

That's not a plan either! It simply cites the fact that manufacturing jobs have increased the last couple of years. But a) it gives no reason "why", and b) it gives no future plan to continue manufacturing job growth.

The point is that Capitalism is dynamic. Growth is NORMAL. But all Obama has done regarding that growth is put policies in that have kept it from growing even more!

3. Made In America

Okay, I admit this is at least sort of a "plan", by definition. He says he will eliminate tax breaks for companies that "ship jobs overseas", and create incentives to businesses to bring back jobs to the U.S.


One embarrassing question, Mr. Obama: If you did nothing along those lines in the first four years, is there ONE reason why we should believe you will do it in the next four years?

More nice-sounding smoke blowing.
By the way, building a business overseas in many cases can HELP the U.S.  It's the power of free trade.

One huge example is Apple, with their iPhones, iPads, etc.

It cannot be calculated how many jobs in the U.S. and how much productivity in the U.S. has been produced by this one company, who manufactures in China and elsewhere.

If everything had been done in the U.S., an iPhone might cost $1500 or more, and be out of the reach of the "masses".

Steve Jobs, before he passed away, told Obama to his face that Government regulations and artificially inflated wages made it necessary to manufacture overseas.

But again, subjects for other articles.
4. Making Sure Everyone Plays By The Same Rules

Another nice-sounding platitude for the ignorant.

It references un-specified (and questionable) Wall Street reform already done. Again, it's not a PLAN, but some bragging on what's been done.

And yet, Wall Street guys are among Obama's hugest donors, regularly appointed by Obama to important positions, and a huge example of Obama hypocrisy.

I'll write more on the contrasting actual plans that Mitt Romney proposes, which show actual understanding of ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES, but for now, look at Romney's proposals, especially the two sections on "Tax" and "Regulation":

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